

The UX Leader’s Journey

Your learning journey will lead you through the constitutional areas of the UX Leadership landscape.

What areas you’ll travel most intensively, what activities you’ll explore most depends on your individual experience, learning motivation and your specific real-world case.

#1 Building a Strategy

  • Work out UX Strategy Canvas with stakeholders and align it with business strategy

  • Develop and plan actions to implement the strategy

  • Collect feedback to find out how it works

  • Define UX KPIs and start measuring and reporting

#2 OrganiSing for success

  • Build a UX organisation that can work effectively in the company

  • Integrate User Centered Design into company processes

  • Infect the mindsets of stakeholders in product development, IT and management with UX

#3 Creating a culture

  • Introduce UX trainings for skill development

  • Build up a UX community

  • Establish a workshop culture

  • Establish a mentality focusing on user input